Dental Treatment GALLERY
Case 1
Advanced teeth whitening

Case 2

Case 3
Implant retained bridge

Case 4
Implants replacing front teeth

Case 5
Teeth whitening and veneers

Case 6
Veneers upper incisors

Case 7
Smile design and multiple veneers

Case 8
Implant retained posterior bridge

Case 9
Single upper front tooth veneer

Case 10
Crowns on upper front teeth

Case 11
Two implants replacing upper front teeth

Case 12
Single implant replacing upper front tooth

Case 13
Implant retained 10 unit ridge

Case 14
Implant retained full dentures (no natural teeth present)

Case 15
Dental implants

Case 16
Dental implants

Case 17
Dental implants

Case 18
Dental implants

Case 19
Implant retained over dentures replacing all teeth

Case 20
Dental Implants

Case 21
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Including Multiple Implants, Bridgework and Crowns